Mathletes Compete for RHS

Math Team

The math team is ready for a meet. Back, left to right: Ronan McNally, Elias Csubak, Sean Sugrue, Alexander Domina, Erika Wiley, Fanting Zhou, Ryan Sugrue and Nicholas Walker. Front l to r: Haley Crocker, Vivian Nguyen, Valerie Mulready, Rebecca Elliott, Luana Lima and Caitlin McArthur. Missing from the photo are Sarah Margolis, Joseph Naughton, Michael Belmonte and Saoirse McNally Yearbook Photo

Megan Lund, Veritas Staff

If you enjoy math and are good at it, you should join the RHS math team that participates in meets against other schools.

Students range from freshmen to seniors. These students do well and like math.

They also like pizza because after every meet that’s what they’re eating for an afternoon snack.

Thinking about joining the math team but worried that it will get in the way of other academic studies?

Well, sophomore sister and brother, Saoirse and Ronan McNally don’t think so.

“No, actually math team is a pretty good way to practice and strengthen your math,” said Saoirse.

Ronan said, “No, math team meets up once in awhile. It doesn’t interfere with your regular schedule. And, if anything, it might just help you in your math class.”

At their meetings the mathletes are given packets to practice in preparation for the math meet.

Ronan said that the math team is a great extracurricular activity to be a part of and he recommends students to join math team.

“It’s much more relaxed. You don’t have to be the best in math to join. It’s relatively stress free.”

Saoirse said she also enjoys the math team and agreed that it’s a lot of fun.

She recommends anyone who likes math and pizza to join.

Mathletes, like sports athletes compete against other schools. There are five rounds plus a team round. RHS enters two teams, team 1 and team 2, made up of three students each. They are given three questions to answer in 10 minutes.

After the answers are corrected, the teams are given points.  The team with the most points wins.

The math team has meets four or five times in the year.

Ms. Mulready said,  “Anyone is welcome.” So bring your brain and your appetite and join the math team.