Images has a great year in 2012-2013

Images Magazine sold out on the day it arrived from the printer!

Images Magazine sold out on the day it arrived from the printer!

Devin Gilmore
Veritas Staff

“I have found that the best poetry comes from the unlikeliest of sources,” said RHS English teacher Mr. Neal.
This year, Images magazine, a publication dedicated to revealing the artistic voices of the student body, has been revamped by its newest advisor, Mr. Neal himself.

The magazine used to be published periodically in black and white and occasional color print editions, but now is published on the internet, in a page linked with The Veritas’s website.

The new method of publication allows for more color representation, which is an important aspect of some of the artistic features and also provides easier access for students to see the various pieces.

“My hope is that a more regularly updated and viewed selection of student art and writing might inspire more voices to put themselves out there,” he explained.

Seven students make up the Images staff but the entire student body takes part, as many kids who do not hold a particular role in the magazine submit pieces for publication.

Emily Williams, a junior who has submitted several photos and short stories to Images this year, loves being involved in the magazine.
“It’s an amazing feeling to look up the article online and see your work or writing,” she stated. “Images is a great place to showcase art and I think it could help more kids become artists.”
Submitting personal work can be exhilarating, as Emily described, but many students are tentative to share their creativity.

Mr. Neal explained, “Putting yourself on display by publishing writing or art is not an easy thing to do. It can be a very vulnerable situation which takes courage to put oneself in. I think that as we improve the submission process and post more frequently online, more and more students will be willing to take the risk.”

Currently, Images staff is trying to post as frequently as possible, to show kids their work doesn’t have to appear professional to be appreciated.

Art, whether it be poetry, story-telling, or painting, is a great way to express some of the feelings teens cannot put into words. Images is the perfect outlet for teen angst and creativity to come out and Mr. Neal has done a brilliant job of showcasing some of the talent and expression of RHS students this year.

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