Images Sponsored Contest

Enter the IMAGES Magazine CONTEST!  Represent the “unknown” using words or images.  Portray it in any way you like as long as it’s an original interpretation of the unknown.  Maybe you have some theories for life beyond our stars, or what it’s like at the bottom of the sea. Who made Stonehenge? What about the Bermuda Triangle? What lies in the dark under your bed when you’re asleep?

PRIZE: There will be 2 winners: One for literature and one for art. Each will receive a $10 gift card to chipotle.

Submissions are due by Friday, November 8th to

Remember, anything that can be called “unknown” is what we want! Be sure to send them in by Friday the 8th so you can be in the contest for a $10 gift card to the popular burrito restaurant  Chipotle!

Posted on November 5, 2013, in Clubs / Activities. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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